
Monday, June 30, 2014

Maybe the start of something?

He watched enough crime TV to know that all serial killers have a pattern. A type they usually go for, or a method they are fond of, that is how those idiots got caught. Patterns are dangerous, even deadly. It is with those patterns that they get sloppy and careless, it gets too comfortable for them, doesn’t keep them on their toes thinking. Cops of all ranks, city, county, state, hell, even the feds, aren’t as smart as they think they are. They look for those patterns instinctively, like children being taught to look for patterns in school, that’s what makes them stupid from the word “go”. Charlie was all too aware of these patterns, that’s why he hated them, patterns caused people, no matter what the crime, to get caught, and he had no intention or desire to get caught. He was too smart for that, he thought as he took a swig of his beer and remembered his first taste.
In all of his thirty one years, Charlie has only had the guts to prey on animals, ever since that damned dog bit him when he was nineteen and left him scarred for life. He stole the dog and took it into the woods behind his house, far enough so no one would hear the squeals of the bastard animal. He strung the dog up between two trees, stretching all four limbs of the animal between them. Hunting knife in hand, he glared as the dog tried to escape. “You bit the wrong person” he growled. He started carving. Killing the dog too fast was too easy, he needed to see the dog suffer, needed to hear the squeals. Anything less would not quench his thirst. That first taste was intoxicating, like sex for the first time, he knew that it wouldn’t be his last.
The flash of memory brought a smile to Charlie’s face. Animals weren’t cutting it anymore though, he was ready to graduate. People. Just the thought of it made Charlie salivate. He took another swig, lost in his own depraved thoughts. The phone ringing yanked him back to reality.
“What’s up bro? It’s Chris, how ya doin’ man? Haven’t heard from you in a while.”
“Oh I’m doin’ fine, just livin’ life man, ya know?” 
Charlie takes another swig.
“I was callin’ to see if you were home, you up for company?”
“Sure man, just you or the wife and kid too?”
“All of us, Ruthie and Brenden have been cooped up in the house all week.”
“Ok, yea, that’s fine. When you comin’?”
This is perfect Charlie thought, they will all come here, and one of them will leave in a body bag. 
“We’ll be there in about an hour, how’s that sound?”
“Sounds perfect, see ya’ll then.”
Charlie’s wheels were turning. He took another swig and looked down at his pit bull Brute. “You’re gonna have to die for this one buddy. Sorry about that.”
Brute looked him and wagged his tail, he had no idea. Charlie planned on killing him anyway, but this plan would result in two deaths, even better, and Charlie would look innocent in it all. This was the perfect plan! Charlie fed Brute some fresh raw meat and smacked him around a bit to get him geared up for what he was supposed to do. Chris and his family have visited before without incident, but Charlie has never conditioned Brute before their arrival like this. This is going to be interesting. He knew this kid couldn’t keep his grubby hands off of Brute, after all, he was only five, all Brenden wanted to do was pet the puppy. Perfect. 
Charlie heard the knock at the door. His heart raced as he walked toward the door. In the kitchen Brute was snarling wildly. Opening the door, Charlie exclaims, “Hey bro! What’s goin’ on? Long time no see!” He welcomes all three of them inside, breath quickening, he rustles Brenden’s hair, “How you doin’ bud?” he asks. Brenden looks up at him and shrugs with a half smile, “Ok.”
They all sit in the living room, Charlie purposefully not putting cartoons on for Brenden. This will make sure his attention gravitates toward the dog for sure Charlie thought. With Brenden sitting on the floor watching TV, Charlie turns to Rosie and Chris.
“How you guys been? It’s been a while.”
“We’ve been great actually,” Rosie perked up “I’m pregnant!”
Chris sitting next to Rosie, beaming with pride. “Yea man, she’s about four months along.”
“Congratulations guys! Sounds like celebration time.”
Charlie goes into the kitchen and grabs two beers out of the refrigerator, over his shoulder he hollers, “You want anything Rosie?”
“Nah, I’m ok, thanks though.”
He hands a beer to Chris, “Cheers bud!”
“Thanks Charlie, we are hoping for a girl this time.”
All three of them are avid hunters, and hunting season is right around the corner. This is his chance.
“Hey, I know that Rosie can’t go hunting this season, but I got a new rifle I’d like to show you guys. It’s in the back room.”
“No thanks, you guys go. I’ll just sit here with Brenden” Rosie said.
“Awe Rosie, c’mon, I know you’re gonna love this one. Just because you can’t hunt this season, doesn’t mean you can’t admire the beauty of the latest firearm. Trust me, you’re gonna love it.”
“Ok, but just for a minute, I don’t want to leave Brenden by himself for too long. Your house isn’t exactly child proof. Brenden, we’ll be back in a minute hon, ok?”
“Yea, ok mommy” Brenden said without turning his head from what was on the TV.
The three of them walked down the long trailer hallway to the back bedroom. Rosie took a seat on the chair in the corner, and Chris sat on the bed. Charlie went over to his gun safe and put in the code to open it. 
“This is the latest and greatest of firearms in the hunting world!” Charlie said holding the gun up with pride.
Chris emits a long winded whistle, “That sure is a nice rifle, what kind is it?”
“This is a .223 Varmageddon AR with an eighteen inch stainless steel barrel. This sucker shoots 550 yards!”
Rosie rolls her eyes, “Isn’t that a bit much? You don’t need that much power. It’s nice to look at, but what are you really going to hunt for with that? That much power would blow a rabbit or squirrel to pieces, you wouldn’t get any meat out of an average sized deer with that thing.”
“Well, we have bears in these parts too.” Charlie said trying to justify himself. 
From the other room they heard screams and heart stopping growls. Charlie dropped the rifle on the bed, and all three went running to see what was going on. What they walked into was nothing short of gruesome. Brute had Brenden by the throat, blood everywhere. Rosie screamed, “Oh my God! Get that dog off of him!” She pulled her phone out of her purse and started dialing 911 as the guys went racing towards the dog. Every time they advanced toward Brute, the dog shook the boy and backed up. They were going to have to back him into the corner.
“911, what’s your emergency?”
“The dog... My son...” Rosie screamed through her gasping sobs.
“Ma’am, you’re going to have to slow down, what exactly is going on?”
“We are at a friend’s house and his dog has my five year old son by the throat and won’t let go! We need help! Please! Hurry!”
“Ok, ma’am, can you tell me the address of where you are?”
Rosie looks around and spots a piece of junk mail on the table. “We are at 231 Pearson Drive in Foulard, please hurry!”
“Ok ma’am, dispatch is on their way. Stay on the phone with me until they get there, has the dog released the child yet?”
“No! He’s still got him! My husband and his friend are trying to get him off now!”
Charlie and Chris finally had them backed into a corner in the living room. Charlie went for Brute’s collar and was bitten. Enraged by the bite, Charlie punched the dog with all he had. Brute yelped and let go. Covered in blood, Charlie dragged the dog to a small closet and locked him in. Chris carried Brenden to the middle of the living room and laid him down.
“They got the dog off, there’s so much blood!” Rosie tells the 911 operator through her sobs.
“Ok, ma’am, I want you to listen carefully. I want you to put pressure on the wound, and check to see if he’s breathing.”
Rosie screams at Chris, “She said to put pressure on the wound and check if he’s breathing”
Charlie ran over to Chris with what towels he could find. There was so much blood. Charlie thought, keep it together, there will be time later to bask in this glory.
Chris pushed the towels onto Brenden’s throat and bent to listen for his breathing.
“Holding pressure, but his breathing is slow and he’s making a  gurgling sound!” Chris yelled.
“Oh God...” Rosie said more to herself than the 911 operator.
“Ma’am, are you still with me? The ambulance is on the way.”
“Yea, I’m here, he’s breathing but barely, and there’s a gurgling sound.”
Off in the distance Rosie heard the sirens, “I hear them! They’re coming!”

Saturday, June 28, 2014

The "what if" stories

I have decided to leave all of my "what if" stories that I start on here as "to be continued" at the end of them. There are a few reasons I have made this decision, first is that it leaves something to the imagination for my readers. Second is that I know that when I start writing I tend to be very long winded. I don't want to lay out an entire novella or novel on a blog, so I will keep them semi-short. When I get the writing bug, I can write for hours, and that leads to things, meant to be short, being not so short. I want to keep readers, not scare them away!

I always have several different projects open at once, and I do hop from one to the other often. Just to keep me on my toes and keep things interesting.

I love hearing from my readers. Admittedly I don't have many right now, but I hope to change that by being myself and creating quality content.

So, give me suggestions. I'll bite. As an aside, I may do some opinion based journalism here too, just a heads up.

Monday, June 23, 2014

The first "what if"

  • What if you found out that your mate was sleeping with your sister/brother?

Linda was rushing around her day as usual. Work, pick up the dry cleaning, stop by the post office and the grocery store. Work was extra stressful today though, she had to present her proposal for restructuring the hierarchy of the office to all of the senior partners. It was hard for her to read their reactions, stone faced as always. They told her they would get back to her by the end of the week with an answer. Nothing like keeping a girl in suspense, she thought. Tapping her pen on her desk, she watched the minute hand on her desk clock move as if it were in slow motion. Finally, at 4:55 she shut her computer off and started out the door. With her thought elsewhere, digging for her keys in her purse, she ran face first into Paul. She apologized profusely without even realizing who she ran into as she bent to gather her armload of things.

Paul was a good friend at work. He was the only one at work that Linda could really open up to on both a professional and personal basis. He bent to help her pick everything up.

"Hey, where's the fire?" Paul asked jokingly.
"Oh, hey Paul" she said as she brushed her hair away from her face, "sorry I ran you over."
"Don't sweat it, you ok?"
"That depends on what your version of ok is. Honestly Paul, I don't know weather I'm coming or going these days."

As they finally stood up, Paul looked at her. He saw desperation stacked on top of exhaustion, something he has never seen in her before. She always looked so pulled together, sometimes too pulled together.

"How about I buy you a drink? It's the least I can do for you running me over." he said with a slight chuckle.
"Sure, that sounds great, where do you want to go?"
"How about we go to that small hole in the wall down the street?"
"Sounds good to me, I'll meet you there."

As Linda pulled into the parking lot, she noticed that Paul beat her there. He knew what she liked to drink, so there would be one waiting there for her. She cut the engine and looked around. Not too many people here thank God, she thought. She got out of the car and put her laptop and work bag in the trunk, then went inside. She squinted in the dull lighting and found Paul in the back corner waiting for her. She headed to the table and plopped down across from Paul instantly grabbing for her drink.

"That bad huh?" Paul asked.
"You don't know the half of it. Work is fine, it's everything else that's falling apart."
"Wow, 'falling apart' is a strong expression."
"Things with Matt aren't the greatest, I think he's seeing someone"
Paul whistled and took a chug of his beer, "Are you sure?"
"No, not really, but a woman's intuition is rarely wrong. The late nights, the unexpected outings with no explanation, things like that. He's been really testy with me too lately, which is not like him at all. I don't know, maybe I'm not giving him what he needs, working all the time."
"Listen Linda, if he doesn't see you for the wonderful woman that you are, he's a fool. It shouldn't matter how much you work, there is no excuse for him to step out on you, if that is in fact what he's doing."
"I suppose you're right, I'm probably just being paranoid. I feel it in my gut though, and it's getting really hard to shake. My sister has been acting really weird too. I don't know."
"Oh, wow. What will you do if it's true?"
"Not sure. It will be heartbreaking of course, but if that is the case, what can I do? Just keep your phone on, you know you're my best friend, and if I do find something out, you will be my first call." With that she slammed the last of her drink, "I better get going it's getting late. Thanks for talking with me, talking to you always helps."
"Anytime hun." Paul says as he stands up to give her a hug goodbye.

Paul watched as Linda strode out of the bar, hoping for her that her fears were just paranoia and stress. If Matt is cheating on her, especially with her sister, she will be devastated.

As Linda drove home her mind raced. She has a bad habit of always imagining the worse case scenario and psyching herself out. She knew that Paul was probably right, she had no proof, so innocent until proven guilty right? She pulled up into the driveway next to Matt's car. Finally he was home at a decent hour, she thought. We have made such a beautiful home she thought as she walked up the front steps, past the roman style pillars and put her key into the door.

"Matt?" she hollered, "are you awake?"
"Yea, I'm up here!"
She put her work stuff and her purse on the bench by the door and headed up the winding staircase toward their bedroom. When she walked into the bedroom, she noticed that Matt was just getting out of the shower.

"How was your day?" Linda asked as she sat on the bed and took off her shoes.
"Same stuff different day I guess, I have a new architect on the job site now, so that's an adjustment. His ideas are so out of the box. That could be a good thing or a bad thing, we'll see. How was your day?"
"I had to do a presentation for the partners, the one I've been working on for weeks. They said they will get back to me by the end of the week. I really hope they take to it. It will shake things up a bit at work, but I think it's for the betterment of the company as a whole."
"Well, I'm sure you nailed it." he said as he kissed her on the top of the head and got into bed.

Linda changed into her night clothes and climbed into bed next to her husband. She loves Matt so very much, but she has doubts that he knows because he doesn't mirror it back to her with the same passion. Linda started kissing on Matt while he was reading his book, she just wants to feel that he loves her. Matt swatted her away like an annoying fly, "What are you doing?" he asked.
"What does it look like I'm doing?" she asked being a little confused.
"Not tonight" he said with another odd kiss on the top of her head.
Matt turned over and shut off his bedside lamp.

Linda nestled down under the covers after she turned her bedside lamp off. She felt something tickle her foot. Screaming and jumping out of bed, thinking it was a bug, she threw the covers back. What she found stopped her cold. Bright pink, lacy thong women's underwear. Linda picked them up with a pen from her nightstand and flung them in Matt's face.

"Where did these come from?!" she screamed.
"They're yours!" Matt yelled back.
"The hell they are! I don't wear things like this! They aren't even my size!" she screamed, starting to tremble from the inside out.
"They are yours! They probably fell out of the laundry basket when you were putting clothes away!"
"Really? That's the pathetic story you're going to stick to?"
"It's the truth Linda. If they aren't yours, then I don't know where they came from."
"Get out." Linda said through gritted teeth.
"You heard me, get out. Go sleep on the couch for now, and let me make myself very clear, the only thing keeping you inside this house right now is that it's the middle of the night."

To Be Continued....

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Breaking out of my shell

I have decided to delve into freelance writing. I know it will be a slow start, but it has the potential to be very lucrative. I can and will write anything, well, almost anything, I can't do poetry. In addition to working on my short stories and my starter novels, I think breaking into the freelance world will be good for me. It will give me experience, and a broader perspective on my writing skills.

My last post posed a question, or rather a request. Give me all of your "what if"scenarios. The what if is meant to get the brain in tune with the keyboard. Here are a few.

  • What if you found out your sister/brother were sleeping with your mate?
  • What if someone very close to you passed away but you couldn't get to them in time?
  • What if you had the ability to end world hunger, what would that look like?
  • What if you were the sole writer for a TV drama series, what would your story line look like?

There are a few to start. I will work on those four questions in the coming days and post them here.